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Semillas, Alfalfa, Sorgo, Grama Rhodes

Since 1968 we provide our clients with our products all over the agriculture areas of our country. We sell fodder seeds and hybrids.

We not only sell seeds but we also provide our clients with useful technical information about alfalfas, grasses, subtropical seeds and hybrid sorghum.

We are not any crops enterprise. We have a wide variety of products to give our clients solutions along the whole productive cycle. We offer our clients quality, seriousness and commitment.

Semillas, Alfalfa, Sorgo, Grama Rhodes

We give information and assessment to the farmers about the better ways of farming so that they can obtain the maximum performance.Our aim is to offer the best quality product plus the best technical assessment. And we can do it because we are in contact with our clients during all the harvest process long.

semillas, pasturas, alfalfa, sorgos híbridos, grama rhodes, brachiaria, subtropiales, gramíneas, leguminosas, rye grass

We make production essays. We check quality and output. We are in contact with INTA (the national institute for agricultural technology), The BA Crops Production Chamber and other public and private organizations.Wealso improve seeds quality thanks to our contact with different enterprises from Canada, United States, and Australia.

semillas, pasturas, alfalfa, sorgos híbridos, grama rhodes, brachiaria, subtropiales, gramíneas, leguminosas, rye grass


We offer to our customers a large stock of products, ensuring their availability at the right time, coming through own logistics and outsourcing all dairy and livestock services basins of the country.

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