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They are adapted to all production climates and soils. They can obtain maximun yields. They have a high nutritional value and an excellent behaviour to pests.

semillas, pasturas, alfalfa, sorgos híbridos, grama rhodes, brachiaria, subtropiales, gramíneas, leguminosas, rye grass


semillas, pasturas, alfalfa galia, sorgos híbridos, grama rhodes, brachiaria, subtropiales, gramíneas, leguminosas, rye grass
GALIA (Dormanci 9)  

This is a non dormant, active winter variety, which has plants with an erect bearing, intermediate crowns, abundant leafiness and violet flowers. This synthetic variety derives from the crossing selected plants because of their resistance to eyespot sheet, Phytophthora root rot, Fusarium , Rhizoctonia and scalding.


It is recommended for feeding dairy herds in dry conditions, adaptable to all areas, especially where there are problems of groundwater or frequent eye leaf spot epidemics.

semillas, pasturas, alfalfa, sorgos híbridos, grama rhodes, brachiaria, subtropiales, gramíneas, leguminosas, rye grass
semillas, pasturas, alfalfa suprema, sorgos híbridos, grama rhodes, brachiaria, subtropiales, gramíneas, leguminosas, rye grass
SUPREMA (Dormanci 9)  

This is a non dormant active winter variety. It was obtained from selected plants collected from different regions of our country. This selection was due to the high forage production, to the crown and root health, aphid resistance, and to its force.


It is adapted to north, centre and southern areas of the argentine republic.


Due to its maximum speed of regrowth, excellent forage quality and high resistance to aphids and diseases, this alfalfa is highly recommended for dairy milks and winter production.

semillas, pasturas, alfalfa, sorgos híbridos, grama rhodes, brachiaria, subtropiales, gramíneas, leguminosas, rye grass


semillas, pasturas, alfalfa aurora, sorgos híbridos, grama rhodes, brachiaria, subtropiales, gramíneas, leguminosas, rye grass
AURORA  (Dormanci 7)
  • Variety of Australian origin

  • It has good performance capacity and regrowth after cutting. Very good persistence

  • Excellent production of dry matter

  • High resistance to aphids and root and crown diseases

  • It is recommended for meat and dairy cattle or for hay

semillas, pasturas, alfalfa, sorgos híbridos, grama rhodes, brachiaria, subtropiales, gramíneas, leguminosas, rye grass
semillas, pasturas, alfalfa sirosal, sorgos híbridos, grama rhodes, brachiaria, subtropiales, gramíneas, leguminosas, rye grass
SIROSAL  (Dormanci 8)
  • This is a non dormant variety.

  • It has a slightly tolerance to alkaline soils.

  • It has an excellent regrowth after grazing.

  • Very good forage production even under adverse conditions.

  • It has high resistance to pests and diseases.

  • It has a very good persistence to intensive pasturing.

  • It is ideal for dairy, fattening of cattle and to cutting.

semillas, pasturas, alfalfa, sorgos híbridos, grama rhodes, brachiaria, subtropiales, gramíneas, leguminosas, rye grass
semillas, pasturas, alfalfa sequel HR, sorgos híbridos, grama rhodes, brachiaria, subtropiales, gramíneas, leguminosas, rye grass
SEQUEL HR  (Dormanci 9)
  • This is a non dormant variety.

  • It has excellent leaf / stem relationship.

  • It has an outstanding dry matter production.

  • It has a maximum speed regrowth.

  • It has an excellent forage quality.

  • It has a high resistance to aphids.

  • It has disease resistance, particularly anthracnose and Phytophthora species.

  • It is ideal for dairy, fattening of animals and hay production.

semillas, pasturas, alfalfa, sorgos híbridos, grama rhodes, brachiaria, subtropiales, gramíneas, leguminosas, rye grass

In order to optimize our alfalfas yields we recommend:

  • To make a good weed control before seeding.

  • To graze only when flowering is at 10%.

  • In lots already implanted, if the alfalfa is grazed too late (50% bloom), this significantly reduces the quality and quantity of forage.

  • In autumn, it is necessary to let the plant rests so the roots accumulate reserves for winter.

  • Make necessary pests controls, affecting markedly the growth of plants.

  • Grazing time should not exceed five days.

  • In winter grazing only when the basal stem outbreaks have more than 4 cm. Not before

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